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杜雪雨,女,19942月生,河南新乡人,博士。20224月毕业于湖南大学环境科学与工程学院,现为资源环境与安全工程学院环境工程系讲师。主要从事多孔碳材料的制备及其在大气多污染物(SO2NOxHg0VOCs)协同控制和催化氧化等领域应用、固体废物资源化处置的相关研究。在Applied Catalysis B: Environmental (SCI 2021 IF = 24.319, 中科院1)Chemical Engineering Journal (SCI 2021 IF = 16.744)Journal of Hazardous Materials (SCI 2021 IF = 14.224)等国际知名期刊上发表论文20余篇,并担任Applied Catalysis B: Environmental等期刊杂志的审稿人。



1 国家重点研发计划项目:燃煤工业锅炉超低排放控制技术(2016YFC0204104),已结题,参与

2 湖南省重点研发计划项目:挥发性有机污染物控制关键技术研究(2018SK2030),已结题,参与

3 国家自然科学基金项目:活性焦改性同时脱除烟气中的单质汞和VOCs的理论与方法(51478173),已结题,参与



1 Du Xueyu, Li Caiting*, Zhao Lingkui, Zhang Jie, et al. Promotional removal of HCHO from simulated flue gas over Mn-Fe oxides modified activated coke. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2018(232): 37-48. (SCI 2021 IF=24.319, 中科院1, Top期刊)

2 Du Xueyu, Li Caiting*, Zhang Jie, Zhao Lingkui, et al. Highly efficient simultaneous removal of HCHO and elemental mercury over Mn-Co oxides promoted Zr-AC samples. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021(408): 11090. (SCI 2021 IF=14.224, 中科院1, Top期刊)

3 Du Xueyu, Li Caiting*, Zhang Jie, Zhu Youcai, et al. Tunning active oxygen species for boosting Hg0 removal and SO2-resistance of Mn-Fe oxides supported on (NH4)2S2O8 doping activated coke. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023(441): 11090. (SCI 2021 IF=14.224, 中科院1, Top期刊)

4 Zhang Ziang, Li Caiting*, Du Xueyu, Zhu Youcai, et al. Deciphering exogenous electric field promoting catalysis from the perspectives of electric energy and electron transfer: A review. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023(452): 2023. (SCI 2021 IF=16.744, 中科院1, Top期刊)

5 Zhang Jie, Li Caiting*, Du Xueyu, Li Shanhong, et al. Recycle of waste activated coke as efficient sorbent for Hg0 removal from coal-fired flue gas. Fuel, 2022(324): 124645. (SCI 2021 IF=8.035, 中科院1, Top期刊)

6 Song Binghong, Li Caiting*, Du Xueyu, Li Shanhong, et al. Superior performance of Cu-Ce binary oxides for toluene catalytic oxidation: Cu-Ce synergistic effect and reaction pathways. Fuel, 2021(306): 121654. (SCI 2021 IF=8.035, 中科院1, Top期刊)

7 Lyu Yue, Li Caiting*, Du Xueyu, Zhu Youcai, et al. Catalytic oxidation of toluene over MnO2 catalysts with different Mn(II) precursors and the study of reaction pathway. Fuel, 2020(262): 116610. (SCI 2021 IF=8.035, 中科院1, Top期刊)

8 Zhao Lingkui, Li Caiting*, Du Xueyu, Zeng Guangming, et al. Effect of Co addition on the performance and structure of V/ZrCe catalyst for simultaneous removal of NO and Hg0 in simulated flue gas. Applied Surface Science, 2018(437): 390-399. (SCI 2021 IF=7.392, 中科院1, Top期刊)

9 Zhang Jie, Li Caiting, Du Xueyu, Gao Lei, et al. Promotional removal of gas-phase Hg0 over activated coke modified by CuCl2. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020(27): 17891-17909. (SCI 2021 IF=5.190, 中科院3)


1 李彩亭,杨匡,杜雪雨,朱有才,李珊红,赵骏刚.一种骨碳负载型催化剂及其制备方法和应用. 2021112383705.

2 李彩亭,杨匡,杜雪雨,李珊红,黄乐,余琪.一种骨碳负载型催化剂及其制备方法和应用. 2021112384642.

3 李彩亭,宜瑶瑶,李珊红,高磊,杜雪雨.一种用于脱除有害气体的催化剂及其制备方法和应用. CN107790152B.

4 李彩亭,朱有才,李珊红,赵骏刚,杜雪雨. 一种CeO2纳米颗粒及其制备方法和应用. CN113477240B.



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